
Code matters

A portfolio and resource bank of issues solved,
projects started and things learned along the way.

Recent posts

Getting a Firebase JWT for testing

Getting a Firebase JWT for testing

Why this? I use Firebase for many of my projects and a big reason is that it takes away the complexity of handling an authentication system for no cost. It integrates with google login for one thing immediately. That being said, writing a backend using this works...

Scraping HTML tables with Scrapy

Scraping HTML tables with Scrapy

Scraping tables The python Scrapy library is an excellent helper to build simple but powerful scrapers. It's common to want to scrape HTML tables when we scrape text of pages and as I'm going to show it really doesn't need to be difficult. The rough idea is to find a...

Save time debugging Scrapy with shell

Save time debugging Scrapy with shell

Scrapy is great, debugging Scrapy less so Are you adding print statements and then rerunning your scraper time and time again to get that one selector right? Do you have chrome open in the background and using jQuery to test those selectors live on the website you are...

Open source

Projects and examples free to copy or build on

If you want to see how I code, get a practical example of something that works and runs I am very happy to share a few of the things I have built this far.

Paid work

Past positions I have held and teams I have worked with

Since 2008 I have been working through Greycastle or as a full time employee in Sweden, England and Japan. Both in government, large and small companies.


Recent Medium posts

I also write on Medium. Product management, design and development.

Speed up Gitlab CI by using fewer steps in the pipeline

When I was writing on how to do Flutter test reports in Gitlab Ci I noticed my pipeline was split into three steps: When I first set this up, it felt “prettier” to me. They were all independent and…

Get Started with AB Testing and Remote Configuration in Firebase

I have been wanting to try A/B Testing since I first heard of it many years ago. It just seems such a logical thing to do, to try two things side-by-side, compare them and see which is best.

Segment analytics with Firebase AB testing

It allows you to combine the Firebase remote configuration with Google Analytics to track the performance of your test. I’ve written about how to do this in practice before so here I will focus on a…

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