by David | Aug 24, 2014 | Debugging, Development
I’ve started coding Android again and in all honestly it fields like jumping head first into a mine field. Everything is littered with hidden problems that you have to carefully navigate around. This time I’ll try to cherry pick some of the problems...
by David | Aug 23, 2014 | Debugging, Development
I’ve taken up some Android programming again and this time in Android Studio, it really does improve the situation in comparison to Eclipse though it’s still far behind Visual Studio + Resharper but since it’s based on IntelliJDEA it does have a...
by David | Jun 9, 2013 | Deployment, Development
Finally I´ve completed my first Android app and published it to Play Store. It didn’t take that much time to do but you know how things get placed on a shelf, and when they do, well they sit tight. Now it´s there though and by naming it “Track my...