VI in all grace but sometimes we need a little bit more firepower and a few more things in our toolbelt if we want to reach our goal faster. Tools, sometimes easy to use, sometimes with a higher learning curve, can help us speed up our day to day tasks a lot.

A lot of people far more clever than me have their own lists, for example I would recommend you in particular to take a look at Scott Hanselmans great list of tools.

In any case, here is my own collections of things I would recommend to have a look at.

Crayon syntax highlighter

In the last post, I switched to a new syntax highlighter for Wordpress that I'd like to recommend to the rest of the word, namely the Crayon Syntax highlighter available on the wordpress plugin site: Crayon It's got a huge set of features, a wide range of styles,...

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View model property generation

Every time I set up a new environment I have to rewrite this short template for generating view model properties in Resharper. It only takes a minute or two but after doing it like twenty times now I decided I'd put it here to reuse instead. This version of the...

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Sort your list drag & drop in the web

So, here's the web-a-list-a-sortifier.. Ok, I'm gonna need some work on that name. Anyhow, I needed a way to simply drag and drop some arbitrary textual list, say from an excel spreadsheet and to import and export this list in a nice and simple way. Here is a jQuery...

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You know these times when something just hits you like I nowadays so rarely code something useful that there is a new version of my plugins available each time I open Visual Studio!? Well, I just had that exact moment :s Though, I must say it´s a good thing aswell...

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Thanks a lot JetBrains - Again! Since Red-gate unfortunatly made their superb tool Reflector completely commercial recently JetBrains has anounced that they will share their own dotPeek tool which, essentially, is the exact same thing as the Reflector. It´s still in a...

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