A* algorithm

From time to time I appear at a local school (IT Gymnasiet Örebro, Sweden) trying to perform some kind of half assed presentations about all things under the sun. This week I´m doing a reading about the Heuristically weighted Dijkstra (I find it important to actually...

XBAP Security Error

I just recently learned that you can distribute WPF-application web-wise using something called XBAP. You create a project in Visual Studio named WPF Browser Application and you´re on the road. However, there are a couple of things to take in consideration. By default...

Copy pure text from WPF DocumentViewer XPS

I (as previously mentioned) use the WPF DocumentViewer for previewing word documents as XPSs. Howerver, as curious users are often more curious then they should be I´ve found that some users wish to copy text from the XPS directly to Word. This gives us some amount of...

Opening XPS-files

Perhaps nobody uses xps-files? Well, I do. Not because they´re neat or nice or good or anything but because they´re there and Microsoft actually has support for them. I use xps-s for previewing office documents since they can be opened in wpf and Office standard...

Textblocks and implicit labels in WPF

Ok, I´ll just do something you don’t want me to, says Mr Label. Styles are one of the main reasons in, my opinion, to why WPF  is a preferable choice of GUI base but sometimes, well I most definitely hate it 🙂 Look at this here XAML for my default styles:...