Trying out NDepend

What is this? I got the chance to try out NDepend, although with everything else, it took me quite some time until I finally got around to picking it up. Now NDepend is a tool, both command line, stand alone and as an addin to Visual Studio which allows you to do...

Tomato is a fruit!

So what’s the most pointless thing you’ve done this week? I’ve made a game to settle the score once and for all. And maybe, in the end, it’s not so pointless after all, though, if you do feel I could’ve spent my time doing something more...

WPF editable ComboBox binding

Today (and most of my night) I’ve been stuck with trying to bind to an editable WPF combo box. It sounds stupid and it is, really. The scenario is this: You have an editable combo box to which you bind a list of view models. I specify a data template in order to...
MvvmLight and CanExecute

MvvmLight and CanExecute

Today is going to be a very short post, more of a pingback really. We are using MvvmLight as it is the defacto mvvm library of WPF but when I upgraded the libraries from the .Net 4.0 versions to .Net 4.6.1 the other day most of our application broke down. The...

Jenkins with Visual Studio Online

On my current project we’re using Jenkins as a CI platform and Visual Studio Online with TFS for source control. I’ve been wanting to setup the builds on our intranet again to run the integration tests relying on intranet access each check-in. I had an...